The Undine

An Elemental of the Water

Alternative Spellings:

Nymph, Water Sprite

A Few Fae similar to the Undine:

Selkie, Nixie, Merfolk, Dracae

Well-Known For:

Their ability to walk among us, even living along side us, but they never stop yearning to leave the land and slip back under the waves.

What is an Undine?

There are four Elemental beings first recorded for us by the medieval physician, alchemist, and astronomer, Paracelsus. Paracelsus did not invent these Elementals, but was deeply moved by the stories and beliefs in them. He was compelled to include his thoughts on the subject in his many writings.

From Paracelsus, we know the Undine are a special Elemental to humans. They come into contact with us more often than others and sometimes join our families. There are many variations of water nymphs and many stories involving the Fae include an elemental of the water. Many myths and lore include stories of water nymphs, sirens, mermaids, etc. We encounter them often, and yet not so often to dispel a sense of awe, wonder and disbelief.

There are numerous stories of the Undine. Mermaids, Selkies, and general water spirits are just a very small number in the vast world of the fairy who live in this chaos. Doubtless, the many stories are due to the changeable nature of an undine. They can leave behind their world once bonded to a human and live in our world so long as the relationship holds. Paracelsus explained this by insisting a water Nymph does not originally have a soul, but once married to a human — who does have a soul — they are gifted with one themselves. A soul alone does not remove their desire to return to their home, however. They may marry a human, have children and live a “good” life among us. Their desire for their own chaos never leaves them and it is necessary for the wedded to be watchful, keep them from the waves, and above all remain faithful. If the marriage contract is breached by an act of infidelity the Undine is no longer bound and has been known to kill their offender and reunite with the water, free again.

Just as we live, breath, eat and sleep in our environment, so the Undine also live in the water. They are a part of an often dark, swirling, mysterious world we can only imagine visiting. To find them would require us to join them in their chaos, which we cannot do without aid from them. This leads us to a near complete ignorance of their life beneath the surface and in possession only of stories regarding their time spent with us. Out of their element, it’s of course impossible for us to understand these Fae. They come from a world alien to us, but this is exactly what makes them endlessly fascinating.


Go out on a limb, try not to get stumped. They won't leaf you alone if you take a wrong root!


A Fae You Really Can Hold a Candle To